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Establishing women's cancer care services in a fragile, conflict and violence affected ecosystem in Africa


Creating a low-cost virtual reality surgical simulation to increase surgical oncology capacity and capability


The use of thermal ablation in diverse cervical cancer "screen-and-treat" service platforma in Zambia


Leverage of an existing cervical cancer prevention service platform to initiate breast cancer control services in Zambia: experiences and early outcomes

Modern magnetic resonance imaging machine standing in clinic background. New medical technologies concept

Building workforce capacity for the surgical management of cervical cancer in a fragile, low-income African nation—Democratic Republic of the Congo


A tailored apporach to building specialized surgical oncology capacity: Early experiences and outcomes in Malawi


Thermal ablation versus cryotherapy or loop excision to treat women positive for cervical precancer on visual inspection with acetic acid test: pilot phase of a randomosed controlled trial


Partnering with traditional Chiefs to expand access to cervical cancer prevention services in rural Zambia


Innovative approaches to promoting cervical health and raising cervical cancer awareness by use of existing cultural structures in resource-limited countries: experiences with traditional marriage counseling in Zambia

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